
تصفيات البحث

مسح النتائج
  • Android Developer (0)
  • Apps Developements (1)
  • Art Director (1)
  • Backend Developer (0)
  • Blog Editing (0)
  • Business (2)
    • Ecommerce (0)
    • Services (0)
  • Computer Operator (0)
  • Consulting/Coaching (1)
  • Content Marketing (0)
  • Content writter (3)
  • Copywriting (0)
  • CV Building (0)
  • Data Entry (0)
  • Design & Creative (2)
  • Digital Marketing (2)
    • Faceebook Ads (0)
    • Google Ads (0)
    • Youtube Ads (0)
  • Director (0)
  • Education/Teaching (0)
  • Freelance Writing (0)
  • Front End Developer (0)
  • Full Stack Developer (0)
  • Graphic design (4)
    • Logo Design (0)
    • Shop Desgin (0)
    • Theme Design (0)
    • Visiting Cards Design (0)
  • Human Resources HR (0)
  • IOS Developer (0)
  • Lifestyle (1)
    • Fashion (0)
    • Foods (1)
    • Traveling (0)
  • Link Building (0)
  • Marketing (0)
  • Music Director (0)
  • Musician (0)
  • Photo Editing (0)
  • Photography (0)
  • Podcast Editing and Production (0)
  • Programming & Tech (1)
    • C++ (0)
    • Java (0)
    • JavaScripts (0)
    • Php (0)
    • View Js (0)
  • Public Relations PR (0)
  • React Native Developer (0)
  • Research (0)
  • SEO Specialist (0)
  • Singer (0)
  • Social Media Management (0)
  • Social Media Marketing (0)
  • Song writer (0)
  • Support Agent (0)
  • Translation (0)
  • Unity 2D Developer (0)
  • Unity 3D Developer (0)
  • Unity Developer Video Editing and Production (0)
  • Video & Animation (1)
    • Animation creater (0)
    • Video Editor (0)
    • VideoGrapher (0)
  • Voice Over VO (0)
  • Web Design (0)
  • Web Development (0)
  • Website Analyst (0)
  • الكتابة و الترجمة
    • Blog Writer (0)
    • Content writter (0)
    • Copy Writing (0)
    • Theme Translation (0)

حدد الخيارات واضغط على زر التصفية لتطبيق التغييرات

يوجد 2 نتيجة

اشعارات المشاريع

تلقي رسائل البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بآخر مشروع يتوافق مع معايير البحث الخاصة بك

ملك النار - KING FIRE


5.00  Tps (ثابت )
  • يوليو 27, 2024
  • 100 مشاهدة
  • العروض (0)


  • يوليو 27, 2024
  • 140 مشاهدة
  • العروض (1)
  • فردى

 are you passionate about the power of words? Do you have a flair for storytelling and a love for creativity? Look no further! We’re excited to announce our  Internship in…


يتم الغلق فى 5 ثوانى

Junior Freelancer

Register now, get your free Tps. No one is prefect in all, complete your projects by exchange your skills

with other freelancers and keep your work always shining.

➢ Enjoy building your own portfolio.

➢ Practice the courses you learnt or learn new one.

➢ Get real projects to work on.

➢ Have support form senior freelancers and market experts

Register Now

يتم الغلق فى 0 ثوانى

Senior Freelancer

Register now, get your free Tps. No one is prefect in all, complete your projects by exchange your skills

with other freelancers and keep your work always shining.

➢ Grab your projects and get paid from other freelancing platforms.
➢ Get your job done here by other freelancers, save your money and your time to gain
more projects.
➢ Example: as a senior freelancer you can price your hour by 100 TP, other freelancers may
price their hour by 10 TP.
Accordingly, you can just make a job on Qayedny with 10 hours and get 1000 TP in your
credit and enjoy having 100 hours from other freelancers doing your job. You can just
make final touches and submit to your main client and get paid.

Register Now

يتم الغلق فى 0 ثوانى


قريبا ...

يتم الغلق فى 0 ثوانى


Register now, get your free TPs and start exploring yourself in our community.
➢ Invest in your free time every day. Make sure you have a lot but still you don’t know.
➢ Evaluate any skill, talent, passion you have by our TPs (Photography, Microsoft office, PR, voice
over, motion graphics, customer service, sales, marketing, market research ...etc.)
Ex (social media moderating 1Hour=5 TP) ➢ Post your services, apply for projects, and enjoy real tasks with employers.
➢ Develop yourself and enjoy our partners professional courses.
➢ Customize your internship and apply for startups.
➢ For the first time, you’ll get the opportunity to evaluate/ rate your employers (startups)
➢ Build strong profile, good rating, get the highest score of TPs, and have the opportunity every
month to cash out your TPs up to (5000 EGP).

Register Now

يتم الغلق فى 0 ثوانى

شركات ناشئة

Register now as a startup, get free monthly 100 TPs (equivalent to 100$ (non-cash).
➢ Post your projects for free and get them done. ➢ Reach out to freelancers, service providers, and other startups.
➢ Keep your rating high, end enjoy free renewal to your credit every month.

Register Now

يتم الغلق فى 0 ثوانى


يتم الغلق فى 0 ثوانى