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For Startup

Find the right people to drive your startup forward

Qayedny is committed to helping startups succeed by connecting them with skilled interns and freelancers.

our Hub makes it easy to find the talent you need.

Focus on innovating and growing your business while we handle the rest.

Qayedny match your needs for fresh ideas from enthusiastic interns or expert skills from experienced freelancers, our Hub makes it easy to find the talent you need.

Post a project

Clearly define your needs, set TimePoint requirements, and attract the perfect talent for your project.

hire a freelancer

Explore Freelancers, define your needs, set TimePoint requirements, and Choose the perfect talent for your project.

Provide a service to other startups

Present your services, attract the other startups. Don’t forget to set TimePoint requirements.

Empower Your Startup &
Drive Growth Faster Than Ever

At Qayedny, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities that startups face. By partnering with us, you gain access to a diverse pool of talented interns and freelancers who can drive your business forward.

Access to Top Talent

We connect you with highly motivated and skilled Interns,  freelancers and service providers to contribute to your success.

Customized Matching

Our advanced matching algorithm ensures you find the best fit for your specific needs, saving you time and effort.


Easily scale your workforce up or down based on your project requirements and business needs.


Cost-Effective Solutions

Optimize your budget by hiring interns and freelancers who provide high-quality work at competitive rates.

Find Interns

Empower Your Startup with perfect interns

The benefits of getting Interns via Qayedny

Find Freelancers

build Your Business with talent freelancers

The benefits of Hiring freelancers with  Qayedny

Find Service Provider

Empower Your Startup with perfect Matching

The benefits that startups get from other Startup service providers. 

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Our Valued Success Partners

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Hear from our satisfied customers

موقع قايضني جميل تجد فيه ما تحتاج، كنت في حاجة لبعض الخدمات ووجدت الأستاذ محمد في أحد المعارض بالسعودية وتعرفت عليه وأخبرته بمجال عملنا فأقترح لي أن يخدمني فأشكره على ذلك مع طاقم الفريق المميز على المنصة وعلى رأسهم المهندس محمد سليمان مجتهدين ومتابعين العمل عن كثب، فتعاملي معهم جدا راقي ، أتمنى لهم التوفيق وإن شاء الله أنهم محل ثقة.
Sultan Abu Faisal
Founder & CEO of Mafakher
 سعيد جدا بتجربتنا مع قايضني، حقيقي تيم مبهر وقمة في الإحترام والسرعة. بعتولي فعلا أحسن شاب موجود في الماركت ب Subscription packages معقولة جدا بنصح أي شركة محتاجة شباب شاطرة في Internship يتعاملوا مع قايضني
Mahmoud El sabongy
Founder & CEO of Boyot
التعامل مع قايضني كان من أحسن الخطوات اللي ساعدتنا كتير في حل مشاكل و تنفيذ tasks في وقت قصير وبدقة عالية في حاجات مختلفة وحقيقي كل اللي على ال platform ناس professional وقمة في الشطارة والإحترام.
Dr. Mina
Founder of Insucare Startup