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Unlock Your Potential opportunities with an Internship at Qayedny

At Qayedny, we believe that internships are the gateway to a successful career. Joining our internship can make a significant impact on your professional journey

For Interns​

Why Join Internship with Qayedny?

Explore the key benefits for Interns with Qayedny

Gain practical, hands-on experience that goes beyond theoretical knowledge.

Develop essential skills that employers are looking for.

Connect with industry professionals and peers.

Stand out in the job market with relevant experience and a robust portfolio.

Success Partners

Our Valued Success Partners

Empower Your Portfolio &
Gain your perfect opportunity.

The internship with Qayedny can make a significant impact on your professional journey.

Diverse Opportunities

We offer a broad range of internship opportunities across various industries, ensuring that you can find the perfect match for your interests and career goals.


Skill Development

 Develop essential skills that employers are looking for. From technical abilities to soft skills like communication and teamwork, our internships prepare you for the demands of the professional world.

Hands-On Experience

Gain practical, hands-on experience that goes beyond theoretical knowledge. Our internships are designed to immerse you in real-world projects and tasks.

Career Advancement

Stand out in the job market with relevant experience and a robust portfolio. 

For Interns

Internships at Qayedny prepare you for the world of Labor Market.

User testimonials

Hear from our satisfied customers

موقع قايضني جميل تجد فيه ما تحتاج، كنت في حاجة لبعض الخدمات ووجدت الأستاذ محمد في أحد المعارض بالسعودية وتعرفت عليه وأخبرته بمجال عملنا فأقترح لي أن يخدمني فأشكره على ذلك مع طاقم الفريق المميز على المنصة وعلى رأسهم المهندس محمد سليمان مجتهدين ومتابعين العمل عن كثب، فتعاملي معهم جدا راقي ، أتمنى لهم التوفيق وإن شاء الله أنهم محل ثقة.
Sultan Abu Faisal
Founder & CEO of Mafakher
 سعيد جدا بتجربتنا مع قايضني، حقيقي تيم مبهر وقمة في الإحترام والسرعة. بعتولي فعلا أحسن شاب موجود في الماركت ب Subscription packages معقولة جدا بنصح أي شركة محتاجة شباب شاطرة في Internship يتعاملوا مع قايضني
Mahmoud El sabongy
Founder & CEO of Boyot
التعامل مع قايضني كان من أحسن الخطوات اللي ساعدتنا كتير في حل مشاكل و تنفيذ tasks في وقت قصير وبدقة عالية في حاجات مختلفة وحقيقي كل اللي على ال platform ناس professional وقمة في الشطارة والإحترام.
Dr. Mina
Founder of Insucare Startup